E’ stato inserito un nuovo sistema di controllo delle partite iva europee attraverso l’autenticazione VIES.
Vi riportiamo un elenco dei formati corretti nei vari stati:

Member State Structure Format*
AT-Austria ATU99999999 1 block of 9 characters
BE-Belgium BE0999999999 1 block of 10 digits
BG-Bulgaria BG999999999 or
1 block of 9 digits or1 block of 10 digits
CY-Cyprus CY99999999L 1 block of 9 characters
CZ-Czech Republic CZ99999999 or
CZ999999999 or
1 block of either 8, 9 or 10 digits
DE-Germany DE999999999 1 block of 9 digits
DK-Denmark DK99 99 99 99 4 blocks of 2 digits
EE-Estonia EE999999999 1 block of 9 digits
EL-Greece EL999999999 1 block of 9 digits
ES-Spain ESX9999999X4 1 block of 9 characters
FI-Finland FI99999999 1 block of 8 digits
FR-France FRXX 999999999 1 block of 2 characters, 1 block of 9 digits
GB-United Kingdom GB999 9999 99 or
GB999 9999 99 9995 or
GBGD9996 or
1 block of 3 digits, 1 block of 4 digits and 1 block of 2 digits; or the above followed by a block of 3 digits; or 1 block of 5 characters
HR-Croatia HR99999999999 1 block of 11 digits
HU-Hungary HU99999999 1 block of 8 digits
IE-Ireland IE9S99999L
1 block of 8 characters or 1 block of 9 characters
IT-Italy IT99999999999 1 block of 11 digits
LT-Lithuania LT999999999 or
1 block of 9 digits, or 1 block of 12 digits
LU-Luxembourg LU99999999 1 block of 8 digits
LV-Latvia LV99999999999 1 block of 11 digits
MT-Malta MT99999999 1 block of 8 digits
NL-The Netherlands NL999999999B998 1 block of 12 characters
PL-Poland PL9999999999 1 block of 10 digits
PT-Portugal PT999999999 1 block of 9 digits
RO-Romania RO999999999 1 block of minimum 2 digits and maximum 10 digits
SE-Sweden SE999999999999 1 block of 12 digits
SI-Slovenia SI99999999 1 block of 8 digits
SK-Slovakia SK9999999999 1 block of 10 digits